PeiCher Lim's profileLiMei Chong's profile

O Glow

Design Concept 設計理念
The name of the work is OGlow, which means the expectation of the sea. The main element is the twine, the bottle cap, and the broken floating ball is the main carrier.
The overall image is like a floating ball scattered on the sea. The main idea is that the barnacles are attached to the waste, the broken floating balls represent the polluted environment, the tangled twine is a living creature, and the bottle cap represents human garbage, emphasizing the image of marine life gradually being replaced by garbage.
作品名稱為 OGlow寓意是大海的期盼,用麻繩加上瓶蓋作為主要的點元素,利用破碎的浮球作為主要的載體。
整體形象猶如散落在海面上的浮球。主要以藤壺附著在廢棄物上作為發想,而破碎的浮球代表被汙染的環境,纏繞的麻繩作為生物,以瓶蓋代表人為垃圾,強調海洋生物逐漸被垃圾取代的意象;最後以光源冷暖的對比,來呈現美好的幻想與實際的情況,期許O Glow使人們更加重視海洋污染的議題讓地球回歸最初的美好。
Exhibited at the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology

Exhibited at the Nangang Bottle Cap Factory (POPOP Taipei) 

Exhibited at The Pier-2 Art Center MZONE
O Glow

O Glow

Seawaste creative lighting design
